Test Generator FAQS

  1. What is the test generator?
  2. How do I access the test generator?
  3. How do I access Ready to go tests?
  4. How do I access the audio for Ready to go tests?
  5. How do I access the answer keys for Ready to go tests?
  6. How do I create a new test with questions I choose myself?
  7. How do I create a new test with randomly chosen questions?
  8. How do I choose a different set of questions when they were randomly chosen for me?
  9. How do I chose to either show or hide the answers in the test I have created?
  10. How do I use the Choose order option?
  11. How do I save a test that I have just created as a PDF?
  12. How do I print a test that I have just created?
  13. How do I save a test that I have just created so that I can access it from the Test Generator at a later time?
  14. How do I access, modify or delete my saved tests?
  15. How do I access the audio files from one of my saved tests?

1. What is the Test Generator?

The Test Generator is a tool accessible through your account that will allow you to retrieve and create new tests using the content from your Macmillan courses.

2. How do I access the Test Generator?

To access the Test Generator, go to your product homepage and log into your account (for example, Mind Series 2nd Edition, Gateway 2nd Edition, Story Central etc.). You will see a link under Resources/Your content that will take you directly to the Test Generator.

3. How do I access Ready to go tests?

  1. From the home page, click on Ready to go tests.

  2. You will see different tests according to the unit and section of the course.

  3. Click the Open PDF button on the right hand side corresponding to the test you wish to open.

  4. The PDF will open in your PDF reader where you can print it or save it to your computer.

Please note that some products do not include Ready to go tests.

4. How do I access the audio for Ready to go tests?

  1. From the home page, click on Ready to go tests.

  2. Scroll down to the test you wish to use and click the corresponding Audio button on the right hand side.

  3. A pop-up will appear showing you one or more audio tracks. Click the play button on the audio track you wish to hear.

Please note that some products do not include Ready to go tests.

5. How do I access the answer keys for Ready to go tests?

If answer keys are provided separately, they will appear as another option in the list of Ready to go tests.

  1. From the home page, click on Ready to go tests.

  2. Click the Open PDF button on the right hand side corresponding to the test answer key you wish to open.

  3. The PDF will open in your PDF reader where you can print it or save it to your computer.

Please note that some products do not include Ready to go tests.

6. How do I create a new test with questions I choose myself?

  1. From the home page, click on Create a new test.

  2. Choose a name for your test.

  3. Click the one by one option to select the questions you want to use in your test.

  4. You will see the different test categories listed (such as Listening, Speaking, Writing or Reading). Click on the Down Arrow button image in order to expand the selection and chose the activities you wish to use by checking the boxes above the exercises.

  5. At any point, you can click on the Preview button to see what your test will look like. The questions will be numbered and any questions with associated audio content will appear with a small icon image.

  6. If you wish to save your test to access it again in the future, click the Save button.

  7. If you wish to create a PDF copy of the test to print or save on your computer, click the Create PDF button.

7. How do I create a new test with randomly chosen questions?

  1. From the home page, click on Create a new test.

  2. Choose a name for your test.

  3. Click the randomly button corresponding to any units or categories you would like the computer to choose questions from.

  4. A box will appear where you can enter the number of questions you want from that unit or category. The number to the right of the box shows you the total number of questions available to you in that category.

8. How do I choose a different set of questions when they were randomly chosen for me?

You can always change the questions that were chosen for you by un-checking any questions in the list that appear with question marks. Alternatively, you can get an entirely new random set of questions from each unit or category by erasing the number in the box next to the randomly button and typing in a new number.

9. How do I choose to either show or hide the answers in the test I have created?

This option is only available within the preview area of the Create a new test screen. In order to print the tests with the answers, follow these instructions once you have created your new test:

  1. Click on the Preview button.

  2. image

    Find the Show answers buttons in the upper left hand side of the screen.

  3. By default, your preview will have answers turned off. If you wish to show the answers click the Yes button.

  4. image

    With the answers showing, click on the Create PDF button. Your test will now be created with the answers showing in place.

10. How do I use the Choose order option? image

To prevent cheating, you may want to print two versions of the same test with the questions in different order. You can select Choose order A, to preview the test in one order, and then Choose order B, to preview the same test in a different order.


To create PDF versions of the test with both orders, with each option chosen click on the Create PDF button. The generated PDF will reflect the questions in the same order they appear in the preview.

11. How do I save a test that I have just created as a PDF? image

  1. Once you have created your test click on the Preview button.

  2. Click the Create PDF button.

  3. A pop-up will appear. Once the PDF is ready, click on the Download button. This will open the test in your PDF viewer, where you can choose to save the file to your computer or print it.

12. How do I print a test that I have just created? image

  1. Once you have created your test click on Preview button.

  2. Click the Create PDF button.

  3. A pop-up will appear. Once the PDF is ready, click on the Download button. This will open the test in your PDF viewer, where you can choose to save the file to your computer or print it.

13. How do I save a test that I have just created so that I can access it from the Test Generator at a later time?

  1. Once you have created your test and given it a name, click on the Save button. Your test will now be stored and available to you at any time via the My saved tests screen accessible from the home page.

14. How do I access, modify or delete my saved tests?

  1. From the home page, click on My Saved Tests.

  2. You will see a list of all the tests you have previously saved.

  3. Use the options corresponding to your saved test to either Open, Edit or Delete your test.

15. How do I access the audio files from one of my saved tests? image

  1. From the home page, click on My saved tests.

  2. Click the Audio content button corresponding to any test which contains audio content.
    (Note: if your saved test does not contain any questions with audio content, the button will not appear).

  3. A pop-up will appear showing you one or more audio tracks. Click the play button on the audio track you wish to hear.